Hilltop Rabong Resort in Ravangla, Sikkim

- Location: Ravangla, Sikkim
- Hotel Category: Deluxe
- Phone No: 81455 84286, 94348 60604
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at Hilltop Rabong Resort, Ravangla

Hotel Policies of Hilltop Rabong Resort, Ravangla

Check-in Time is 12:00 PM, Check-out Time is 11:00 AM
Terms & Conditions
* Check-In Time 12 Noon & Check-Out Time 11:00 AM
* One child below 6 yrs occupancy per room is free
or complimentary. No separate bed provided. Food is not included.
* Second or subsequent children below 6 yrs
occupancy per room will be charged 50% of extra adult person charge. No
separate bed provided free. Food is not included.
* Children above 6 yrs, will be charged regular adult occupancy.
* Extra person, extra bed will be charged INR500.00 per person per bed per room occupancy.
* Self-attested copies of Identity & Address Proof (Voter Id/Valid
Driving License/Valid Passport) of all the guests must be given before
occupying the room. For foreigners, self-attested copies of current
Passport & Visa must be given for security reason. For verification,
original must be shown in all the above cases.
* Foods are usually served only in dining place,
except morning tea nothing is served in the room, however room service
is available with additional service charges.
* Any damage of any items in room will be charged in addition to the room.
Cancellation Policy
* Cancellation more than clear 15 days of date of stay. - 25% of total room rent.
* Cancellation more than clear 10 days of date of stay. - 50% of total room rent.
* Cancellation less than 10 days of the date of stay or for not showing up- No refund.
* No refund is allowed if the number of days to be
spent is shortened or if not stayed for the total stipulated booking
period or partial cancellation of rooms out of total rooms booked.